Friday, April 22, 2016

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

April 22, 2016
Dear Parents, 
We are looking forward to our Kinasao trip .  We still need to raise $1700.  
Our next fundraiser is to sell cookie dough. We will run this fundraiser until  May 6th, so about 2 weeks.   We get 5$ for every unit we sell which is pretty good compared to other fundraiser.   As a result if we sell 344 orders for cookie dough,  our fundraising will be complete.  The cookie dough will be ordered and shipped out in June.  I will give specific date to you when I get them.
Your cookie dough orders must be Prepaid to ensure the order.  Please ask people to pay by cash or cheques made out to you.  As the family, please then write one cheque – this cheque will be to the school for the amount of your whole order.  This makes it so much easier for us as organizers and school staff. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself ( Mr. Baetz) or  Rene Thiebault. 
Thanks for your involvement in this. 

Mr. Baetz

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