Monday, April 18, 2016

Cookie Dough Fund Raiser For Kinasao

We are getting ready for our final fundraiser for the year for Kinasao.  We are headed to Kinasao on June 1-3.  We would like to run the cookie dough fundraiser next week (April 25th to May 6th)

I am wondering if there is a parent volunteer who can manage the orders for this fundraiser.  Mr. Warren Galenzoski is the coordinator.  I have all the forms ready to go this week and we just need someone to manage the orders.  Warren will phone the orders in and get them delivered to the school. Is there a parent volunteer willing to take this on as it would be much appreciated.

It would involve coming by the class either every day or every 2 days to sift through the orders, make sure the money is correct, then give the money and orders to Warren.

Let me know if you are able to do this.

Mr. Baetz

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