Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Careers Assignment Due May 27

Write a 600 word report on the following:

Choose two or three different occupations that interest you and you believe you have the skills to do this.
Give a description of what the job would entail.
What are the working conditions like?
What are the earnings and job benefits?  (Salary)
What are the education or training requirements?
Any other interesting challenges or facts related to these occupations.
Include a title page and an outline (Table of Contents)

Include a bibliography for where you got your information.
I.                    Introduction
II.                  Career 1
a.       Explanation of job
b.      Working conditions
c.       Earnings and job benefits
d.      Education and training
e.      Interesting facts
f.        It would be a good job for me because…
III.                Career 2
a.       Explanation of job
b.      Working conditions
c.       Earnings and job benefits
d.      Education and training
e.      Interesting facts
f.        It would be a good job for me because…
IV.                Career 3
a.       Explanation of job
b.      Working conditions
c.       Earnings and job benefits
d.      Education and training
e.      Interesting facts
f.        It would be a good job for me because…
V.                  Conclusion
Due Friday May 27
Hand in on time                                                                                                                    /5
Grammar/ Spelling                                                                                                              /5
Content                                                                                                                                  /10
Presentation and display (neatness and organization and engagement)               /10
Total                                                                                                                                    /30                       

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Careers - Test on May 6


Social Studies Chapter 5 Review – Power and Authority Test May 5 For Grade 5/6 and 6

Daniella lives in Colombia.   She is a tour guide on her family’s farm that grew coffee.
Caribbean South America is a region that is made up of the countries that are near the Caribbean Sea, along the northern coast of South America.  The countries are Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname.  Also included in this region is French Guiana, which is an overseas territory of France.
The geography of Caribbean South America is diverse.  It has mountains, plains, river valleys, and coastlines.  It also has different kinds of climate and vegetation. 
In Colombia, the Andes Mountains, split into three chains of mountain ranges, known as cordilleras.  Because the central range is volcanic, its fertile soil is good for coffee plants.
Because part of the region is on the equator, temperatures are hot everywhere.  Heavy rains often lead to flooding and mudslides. 
Much of Colombia has a tropical wet climate,   especially along the west coast and in the southeast. 
The climate changes in the Andes according to elevation.  The higher up you go, the cooler and wetter it gets. 
In Colombia, 80 % of the population lives in the higher, cooler elevations of the Andes.  Here you can find Colombia’s three largest cities – Bogota (7.5 million), Medellin (2.5 million), and Cali (2.5 million). The country’s Caribbean coast has many busy ports.
Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, is the largest city in the country.  Most people in Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana live in the lowlands and along the coast. 
Indigenous peoples – the original inhabitants of a land:
The Chibcha lived in the high valleys of Colombia and practiced agriculture.  Smaller groups such as the Arawak and the Carib lived near the coast and depended on the sea for survival.
Beginning in 1492 with the arrival of Christopher Columbus, the Spanish, Dutch, English and French came to this region in search of gold, silver, and cotton as well as land in which to extend their empires.  The Spanish took over parts of this region that are now Colombia and Venezuela. 
Indigenous peoples were deeply affected by this period of colonization.  For hundreds of years, Europeans claimed land and resources and fought with local populations.  The Europeans used their military power to force the Indigenous peoples to work in mines and on plantations, and European missionaries felt it was their duty to impose their religion and way of life.  Indigenous populations were almost entirely wiped out by disease, violence and slaver.  Indigenous languages were lost.
The long- term effect s of this period of colonization included political turmoil, territorial disagreements, poverty and civil wars. Many of these problems continue today. 
Today, the majority of the population of Caribbean South America is a mixed European and Indigenous ancestry know as Mestizos.   Spanish is the dominant language.  Roman Catholic is the dominant religion.  Baseball, soccer, and cricket are popular sports, and some cities have bullfighting rings.
Power – the ability to exert control over people or situations: power can be in the form of force, authority, or influence. 
Revolutionary groups began to form in hopes of overthrowing the government.  They kidnapped wealthy and powerful people, including government officials.  Revolutionary groups began selling illegal drugs to finance their operations. 
Authority power that is recognized by both those who have it and those who are influenced by it; exercised through legal appointment, particular knowledge or education, employment status, or expertise.
Influence is when you change someone’s behaviours to get favourable treatment or to improve a situation.
Power as force is when someone uses threats or physical action to get their way.
Gangs are organized groups that use fear and violence. Gangs often use force to keep their members loyal, to carry out criminal activity, and to protect their so-called territory.
Elections and job appointments are common ways in which we give authority to people who have power over us.  We usually elect people based on their ideas and what we expect them to do one in power. 
Many of our daily interactions at home, in school, and in the community are based on influence. 
Good leaders should have a vision, be passionate, be decisive, and collaborate with others, be respectful, show good character and demonstrate personal qualities such as honesty, patience, confidence, optimism, humour, fairness, efficiency, and in-depth knowledge of their field.
Democracy – a system of government in which the citizens have power through their elected representatives.
Peer pressure – Individuals and groups may try to influence you to join them or to do certain things. Sometime they may put pressure on you to make choices that you are not sure about or that you do not like.
Cliques a group of people that follows the decisions made by one or two leaders.  The leaders decide who gets to be in the group and who has to stay out.   A clique is different from a group of friends. Friends support each other’s differences. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

April 22, 2016
Dear Parents, 
We are looking forward to our Kinasao trip .  We still need to raise $1700.  
Our next fundraiser is to sell cookie dough. We will run this fundraiser until  May 6th, so about 2 weeks.   We get 5$ for every unit we sell which is pretty good compared to other fundraiser.   As a result if we sell 344 orders for cookie dough,  our fundraising will be complete.  The cookie dough will be ordered and shipped out in June.  I will give specific date to you when I get them.
Your cookie dough orders must be Prepaid to ensure the order.  Please ask people to pay by cash or cheques made out to you.  As the family, please then write one cheque – this cheque will be to the school for the amount of your whole order.  This makes it so much easier for us as organizers and school staff. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself ( Mr. Baetz) or  Rene Thiebault. 
Thanks for your involvement in this. 

Mr. Baetz

Monday, April 18, 2016

Cookie Dough Fund Raiser For Kinasao

We are getting ready for our final fundraiser for the year for Kinasao.  We are headed to Kinasao on June 1-3.  We would like to run the cookie dough fundraiser next week (April 25th to May 6th)

I am wondering if there is a parent volunteer who can manage the orders for this fundraiser.  Mr. Warren Galenzoski is the coordinator.  I have all the forms ready to go this week and we just need someone to manage the orders.  Warren will phone the orders in and get them delivered to the school. Is there a parent volunteer willing to take this on as it would be much appreciated.

It would involve coming by the class either every day or every 2 days to sift through the orders, make sure the money is correct, then give the money and orders to Warren.

Let me know if you are able to do this.

Mr. Baetz

Spelling Test ( Foreign Words and Phrases) and BMV - Test on Friday

a cappella
et cetera
bon voyage
carpe diem
faux pas
alma mater
quid pro quo
semper fidelis
status quo
hoi polloi
cul de sac
mazel tov

Psalm 91

14 “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Spelling - Cities of the World - Test on Friday

Buenos Aires
Los Angeles
New Delhi
Rio de Janeiro

Monday, April 4, 2016

Unit 18 and BMV - Test on Friday

  1. command
  2. cursor
  3. database
  4. disk
  5. input
  6. hardware
  7. keyboarding 
  8. memory
  9. modem
  10. monitor
  11. mouse
  12. program
  13. software
  14. syntax
  15. menu
  16. printer
  17. byte
  18. kilobyte
  19. megabyte
  20. output

Psalm 91:13

13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.