Wednesday, October 28, 2015

SCS Grade 5-6 Poinsettia Fundraiser

Our November fundraiser for our trip to Kinasao will be selling 6.5” poinsettias for Christmas (provided by Floral Acres)! Each poinsettia is $17.00 and they come in the following colors: red, white, pink and ice crystal. Poinsettias are a great holiday flower that many people buy to decorate their home/office/church for Christmas…so why not buy from us? J

We will be selling poinsettias all through November. Order forms and money will be due on Monday, November 16th. Please collect payment for poinsettias you sell and then write ONE cheque to SCS for the total amount. The flowers will be delivered to our school on Thursday, November 26th. Families are responsible to pick up any flowers they sell and deliver them to whomever they belong to.

Our profit is quite significant on this fundraiser (approximately $6 per poinsettia) so we encourage you to sell as many as you can! Thank you for working hard to raise the funds for an awesome yearend trip!

**More information and order forms were sent home with your child today. Please make sure these come out of backpacks J

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