Friday, October 2, 2015

Accelelated Reader Classic Book Report Due: October 26

Classic, Medal Winner, or Best Seller Accelerated Reader Book Report  

Accelerated Reader Book Report Due October 26
Marking Scheme
On time                                      /4
Followed Instructions                /4
Grammar/Spelling                     /4
Content                                      /8
Overall Presentation                  /4
Accelerated Reader Quiz          /10
Total                                         /44
The students are to choose Classic book, Medal Winner, or Best Seller  Accelerated Reader book and write a book report on it. Here are the instructions to follow:

 Due: October

I. Include: Title Page, Published Date, Publishing Company, Author, Number of Pages, Chapters.

II. Who are the main Characters in the book?

III. Vocabulary – Find 5 words in the book that you do not know and list them and write the definition.

IV. Give a summary what the story is about. 100-200 words

V. What was your favorite scene in the book?

VI. What are some of the values that are evident in the book? (ie. respect, loyalty, courage, etc.)

VII. Would you recommend this book to someone else? Why or why not?

VIII. Complete the Accelerated Reader quiz.

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