Wednesday, October 28, 2015

SCS Grade 5-6 Poinsettia Fundraiser

Our November fundraiser for our trip to Kinasao will be selling 6.5” poinsettias for Christmas (provided by Floral Acres)! Each poinsettia is $17.00 and they come in the following colors: red, white, pink and ice crystal. Poinsettias are a great holiday flower that many people buy to decorate their home/office/church for Christmas…so why not buy from us? J

We will be selling poinsettias all through November. Order forms and money will be due on Monday, November 16th. Please collect payment for poinsettias you sell and then write ONE cheque to SCS for the total amount. The flowers will be delivered to our school on Thursday, November 26th. Families are responsible to pick up any flowers they sell and deliver them to whomever they belong to.

Our profit is quite significant on this fundraiser (approximately $6 per poinsettia) so we encourage you to sell as many as you can! Thank you for working hard to raise the funds for an awesome yearend trip!

**More information and order forms were sent home with your child today. Please make sure these come out of backpacks J

Monday, October 26, 2015

Spelling and BMV - Test on Friday


Psalm 91:3

Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. 

Pizza Form Fundraiser

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Social Study Notes for for Test. Grade 5/6 Test October 29; Grade 6 Test November 2

Study Notes for Social Test
The beliefs, customs, practices and behaviours of a particular nation or group of people make up its culture. All people have the same basic needs,  such as food, water, clothing, and shelter.
Culture – a learned way of living including language, beliefs, arts, sports, and foods that is shared by a group of people
The most dominant religions of West and Central Africa is Islam and Christianity
People in West and Central Africa enjoy both traditional dance and modern dance. Modern music reflect traditional rhythms and styles.  The Ashanti people of Ghana weave a cloth called kente which is made of bright narrow strips in complex patterns.  In West Africa, music is used to entertain but also to teach,  tell stories, and record history.
The most popular sport in West and Central Africa is soccer.
First Nations peoples have unique and diverse cultures and languages.  The Metis and Inuit also contribute to Canada’s cultural identity.  Other cultures have come to Canada from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America.
The Two most popular religions in Canada are Roman Catholic and Protestant (2001)
Music in Canada often reflects cultural heritage and can be used to promote cultural traditions.
Trade – the exchange of buying and selling of good and services in a market.
Sometimes cultures change very quickly.  For some people this can be frightening.  They worry that their culture may disappear.
Cultures spread in many ways including settlement, trade, technology, migration and communication. 
Saskatchewan is a multicultural province.
Culture, society and family are all related. A society is a group of people who have organized themselves to meet their basic needs.  Societies can be large or small. 
A social structure is a pattern of organized relationships among groups of people within a society.  People interact with one another, with groups, and with institutions.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms protect the rights of all Canadians.  Rights such as Equality Rights, Democratic Rights and Religious Rights are examples
A reserve is land set aside for the occupation and use of First Nations in exchange for giving up claim to their traditional territories; title to the land remains with the federal government
Colonize is to establish settlements in another country in which the colonizing country controls the people and resources of the colonized country; can also apply to the control of a group of people within a country by government policies.
European Colonization in Africa:
European nations wanted colonies to 1. Gain dominance 2. To get natural resources 3. As markets for goods made in factories.
Europeans acquired colonies in 1884 Europeans met and divided up Africa among themselves.  No African leaders took part.  Before long, Europe controlled nearly the entire continent.
The effects of the Colonial powers affected African peoples by ignoring the location of ethnic groups when creating borders, by not developing colonial economies beyond their own aims, and by enslaving and assimilating Africans.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Study Notes for Health Test October 26

Study notes for Health
The nervous system makes sure all the different systems in the body work together.  When the systems are working correctly, your body is in balance.  This balance is called homeostasis. 

Your nervous system is responsible for maintaining your consciousness, keeping you alert and aware, responding to things, coordinate what you sense or feel using your ears, eyes, nose, skin and tongue. 

The nervous system is divided into 2 parts.  The central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system.  The CNS is made up of the brain and the spinal cord.

The brain is protected by the skull.  The spinal cord is protected by the vertebrae in your spine.
Peripheral mean “outside”.

The peripheral nervous system is all the other nerves in your body including 12 pairs of cranial nerves coming from your head and 31 pairs of spinal nerves coming from your backbone.

The autonomic nervous system are the nerves that are responsible for the involuntary muscles.

Neurons are special cells and are part of the nervous system.

Dendrite receive messages and carry them to the nucleus in the center of the cell.

Axon carry messages away from the center of the cell towards other cells.

Sensory neurons are cells that gathers information and sends it to your brain or to your spinal cord.  

The empty space between cells is called a synapse.

The main organ of the nervous system is the brain.  The brain is divided into 3 areas.  Cerebrum, cerebellum and the brain stem.

Cerebrum controls all conscious body movements and interprets the information gathered by senses. It is divided into to halves or hemispheres.

Left side of brain – controls ability to speak, us math and think logically.
Right side of brain – controls musical ability artistic skills and emotions.

Cerebellum controls the voluntary muscles and makes sure they are smooth and coordinated. It also controls balance and muscle tone.

Brain stem connects your brain with your spinal cord. It controls the automatic body processes such as heartbeat, breathing and blood pressure.

A quick reaction is called a reflex.

2 Diagrams on P. 109, 110

Spelling Test and BMV - Test on Friday


Psalm 91:2
I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Social Studies - Charter of Rights

Social Study Questions:   How do culture and place influence identity?


1.        What is a society?



2.       What is a social structure?  Give 2 examples of social structures.



3.       What is a community?



4.       What is the purpose of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


5.       One page report about the history of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  Due October (Grade 5/6 -13 Grade 6 - 14 (300-500 words).

What is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

When was it implemented?

Is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms good?  Why or why not?

Any other interesting fact about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Include where you got  your information.
On time   /2
Spelling/Grammar  /4
Content   /4
Total /10

Monday, October 5, 2015

Reading Contest Grades 1-6

The Grades 1-6 Accelerated Reading Contest Begins today and will go on for the next 2 weeks.  Boys vs. Girls.   After you read a book and do a test we will find out after 2 weeks who has the most points and the best percentage for answering the most correct answers.  The results will be posted. The winning team will win treats.  Remember to love reading and have fun.   

QSP Orders Due October 7

Please bring your QSP orders in by Wednesday, October 7.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Accelelated Reader Classic Book Report Due: October 26

Classic, Medal Winner, or Best Seller Accelerated Reader Book Report  

Accelerated Reader Book Report Due October 26
Marking Scheme
On time                                      /4
Followed Instructions                /4
Grammar/Spelling                     /4
Content                                      /8
Overall Presentation                  /4
Accelerated Reader Quiz          /10
Total                                         /44
The students are to choose Classic book, Medal Winner, or Best Seller  Accelerated Reader book and write a book report on it. Here are the instructions to follow:

 Due: October

I. Include: Title Page, Published Date, Publishing Company, Author, Number of Pages, Chapters.

II. Who are the main Characters in the book?

III. Vocabulary – Find 5 words in the book that you do not know and list them and write the definition.

IV. Give a summary what the story is about. 100-200 words

V. What was your favorite scene in the book?

VI. What are some of the values that are evident in the book? (ie. respect, loyalty, courage, etc.)

VII. Would you recommend this book to someone else? Why or why not?

VIII. Complete the Accelerated Reader quiz.