Friday, September 25, 2015

Meet the Teacher Night

September 24, 2015
Welcome to “ Meet the Teacher Night.” 
Thank  you for coming tonight.  Here are some things you should be aware of:

1.        Blog -

2.       Home Connect –  See Handout for Home Connect ( Some parents picked up the letter and others will have their letter sent home)

·         Monthly Reading Goals
·         Math

3.       Teachers for this year for Grade 6:  

·         Science – Mr. Letkeman,
·         CE-  Mrs. Abrahamoff,
·         Arts Ed – Mrs. Cherry;
·         PE, LA, Math, Social – Mr. Baetz

4.        Math
25 %                Objectives Completed (40 term 1, 80 term 2, 135 term 3)
25 %                Quiz and Tests
50 %                Accelerated Math Tests

100%               Total

5.       Field Trips ( You can come and volunteer)
·         Skating
·         Swimming
·         Skiing
·         Pike Lake ?
·         Kinasao

6.       Contact info
a.       Blog
b.      Remind  (Sign Up)  (306) 994-7086     Send me the text: @abaet    
c.       Email (
If you have any questions or concerns,  please feel free to contact me.

Mr. Baetz 

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