Monday, September 28, 2015

Unit 4 and BMV- Test on Friday

  1. available
  2. became
  3. invade
  4. later
  5. complaining
  6. midday
  7. neighbor
  8. yesterday
  9. waiter
  10. player
  11. portray
  12. separate
  13. meanwhile
  14. translate
  15. migrate
  16. straighter
  17. misplace
  18. therefore
  19. daydreams
  20. failure
Psalm 91
1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Meet the Teacher Night

September 24, 2015
Welcome to “ Meet the Teacher Night.” 
Thank  you for coming tonight.  Here are some things you should be aware of:

1.        Blog -

2.       Home Connect –  See Handout for Home Connect ( Some parents picked up the letter and others will have their letter sent home)

·         Monthly Reading Goals
·         Math

3.       Teachers for this year for Grade 6:  

·         Science – Mr. Letkeman,
·         CE-  Mrs. Abrahamoff,
·         Arts Ed – Mrs. Cherry;
·         PE, LA, Math, Social – Mr. Baetz

4.        Math
25 %                Objectives Completed (40 term 1, 80 term 2, 135 term 3)
25 %                Quiz and Tests
50 %                Accelerated Math Tests

100%               Total

5.       Field Trips ( You can come and volunteer)
·         Skating
·         Swimming
·         Skiing
·         Pike Lake ?
·         Kinasao

6.       Contact info
a.       Blog
b.      Remind  (Sign Up)  (306) 994-7086     Send me the text: @abaet    
c.       Email (
If you have any questions or concerns,  please feel free to contact me.

Mr. Baetz 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Unit 3 Spelling and BMV - Test on Friday

  1. slammed
  2. badge
  3. helicopter
  4. biscuit
  5. victim
  6. occupation
  7. profit
  8. comedy
  9. interrupt
  10. production
  11. missile
  12. stunning
  13. medicine
  14. satisfy
  15. telegram
  16. rocking chair
  17. sentence
  18. promise
  19. knuckle
  20. practice

2 Peter 3:18
18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Spelling List and BMV - Test on Friday


2 Timothy 3:16,17

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Immunization Forms Due Tuesday September 15

Please remember to return the Immunization forms by Tuesday September 15.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Spelling List Unit 1 - Test on Friday

  1. average
  2. cavity
  3. champion
  4. cranberries
  5. companion
  6. dreary
  7. conquer
  8. funny
  9. courageous
  10. guaranty
  11. difficult
  12. identify
  13. incredible
  14. occupy
  15. humid
  16. untidy
  17. gigantic
  18. variety
  19. victorious
  20. zoology

Monday, September 7, 2015

Math Vocabulary - Test on Tuesday, September 15 on First 13 Terms

The number of square units needed to cover a shape . The area of a rectangle is square units.
Area of a rectangle = length x width
Area of a square = side x side (side squared)
Area of a triangle = ½ base x height
2. Difference
The result of subtracting one number from another
3. Sum
The result of adding two or more numbers
4. Quotient
The result of dividing one number by another, not including the remainder
5. Product
The result of multiplying two or more numbers
6. Composite Number
A whole number that has more than two factors
7. Prime Number
A counting number greater than 1 that has only two factors, 1 and itself
8. Y-Axis
The vertical axis on a coordinate plane
9. X-Axis
The horizontal axis on a coordinate plane
10. Vertical
Perpendicular to the horizon
11. Horizontal
Parallel to the horizon
12. Vertex
The point where two sides of an angle or shape intersect
13. Variable
A letter that stands for a number or quantity
( 2a + 3 = 11 )
14. Regular Polygon
A polygon in which all the sides and angles are congruent
15. Numerator
The number that names the parts of a whole or parts of a set in a fraction; the top number on fraction
16. Denominator
The number in a fraction that names the number of equal parts a whole or set is divided into
17. Mode
The value or values that appear most often in a set of data
19. Mean/ Average
The number found by adding two or more numbers and dividing the sum by the total number of addends
20. Isosceles Triangle
A triangle with two congruent sides
21. Face
A flat side of a solid shape
22. Exponent
A number that tells how many times a given number is used as a factor in a repeated multiplication ( 2X2X2 = 23
23. Equilateral Triangle
A triangle with three congruent sides
24. Edge
A line segment where two faces of a solid shape meet
25. Circumference
The distance around a circle
26. Radius
The line segment that connects the center of a circle or sphere to any point on the circle or sphere