Thursday, May 26, 2016

Spelling Test Friday

  1. composition
  2. secondary
  3. watercolour
  4. acrylic
  5. texture
  6. pastel
  7. stenciling
  8. complementary
  9. tempera
  10. lithography
  11. primary
  12. encaustic
  13. perspective
  14. highlight
  15. fresco
  16. caricature
  17. palette
  18. landscape
  19. mural
  20. collage

Accelerated Reader Book Report Due June 13

Classic, Medal Winner, or Best Seller Accelerated Reader Book Report  
Accelerated Reader Book Report Due June 13
Marking Scheme
On time                                      /4
Followed Instructions                /4
Grammar/Spelling                     /4
Content                                      /8
Overall Presentation                  /4
Accelerated Reader Quiz          /10
Total                                         /34
The students are to choose Classic book, Medal Winner, or Best Seller  Accelerated Reader book and write a book report on it. Here are the instructions to follow:

 Due: June 13

I. Include: Title Page, Published Date, Publishing Company, Author, Number of Pages, Chapters.

II. Who are the main Characters in the book?

III. Vocabulary – Find 5 words in the book that you do not know and list them and write the definition.

IV. Give a summary what the story is about. 100-200 words

V. What was your favorite scene in the book?

VI. What are some of the values that are evident in the book? (ie. respect, loyalty, courage, etc.)

VII. Would you recommend this book to someone else? Why or why not?

VIII. Complete the Accelerated Reader quiz.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

June 8th is pick up day for Cookie Dough

The date to pick up and deliver cookie dough is now June 8th. They are frozen so please pick up and deliver promptly or refrigerate ASAP. Thanks again.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Cookie Dough Orders

Our goal for cookie dough orders was to sell 344 to complete the fundraising for Kinasao. We ended up selling 374 with $285 in donations. Unofficially, it appears we have reached our goal. Thank you to Rene Thibault for her management of the cookie dough orders. It couldn't have been done without her. Orders are scheduled to arrive on Tuesday, May 31st. (Now June 8th) Thank - you all for your support.

Monday, May 9, 2016

History Terms for Spelling and BMV - Test on Friday

  1. abolition
  2. civilizations
  3. communism
  4. compromise
  5. confederate
  6. democracy
  7. dictator
  8. exploration
  9. holocaust
  10. immigrant
  11. independence
  12. medieval
  13. military
  14. parliament
  15. rebellion
  16. reconstruction
  17. renaissance
  18. revolution
  19. slavery
  20. tariff

Psalms 91:15

He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.